A romantic comedy set amidst the confusions of art and politics of our recent history.

1989-2000; East and West

A young dreamer DANIEL yearns to become a fashion designer in a land where the very art itself is banned.

His search to create the world’s most beautiful dress catapults him out of the grey communist party of East Germany (GDR) to the “Benetton colours” of the so-called “Free West” – a London full of Thatcher’s children. In party mood.

But a very different party. Perhaps.

And the ultimate party girl is LOLA, the most successful of the new waif model look. And certainly the wildest. She and her agent CLAUDIA know every trick of the media game. Indeed, there is no meaning other than the game. Opposites attract. The romantic and the party girl become lovers. East unites with West . Now he can create the world’s most beautiful dress for the world’s most beautiful woman. But is it that easy? Or is it simply a dream?